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Consular Processing Attorneys in Palm Beach, Florida
In every case, the U.S. citizen or permanent resident petitioner must file a petition for the beneficiary. When the petition is approved, USCIS will forward the petition to the National Visa Center (NVC) to commence visa processing if the beneficiary is residing abroad.
The petitioner has to pay certain fees after the petitioner is notified by NVC to do so. After the fees are paid the spouse beneficiary has to apply for an immigrant visa and submit certain civil documents. The petitioner is also required to submit certain civil documents.
Eligibility Requirements for Spouses of USCs or LPRs
Petition Process
The petitioner (person filing the petition) must prove:
That the marriage is valid marriage according to the laws of the state or country where it took place;
That the marriage is bona fide and not fake or bogus. The petitioner must prove the bona fide of the by a preponderance of evidence.
Visa Process
After the petition is approved, USCIS will send the petition to the National Visa Center for visa processing. A spouse beneficiary who is not an immediate relative can only apply for an immigrant visa when a visa becomes available. Immediate relative spouses can apply for a visa after the petitioner pays the visa application and affidavit of support fees.
The spouse beneficiary cannot be inadmissible. There are many grounds of inadmissibility including medical grounds of inadmissibility. If inadmissible is entitled to a waiver of the ground of inadmissibility.
The beneficiary is not likely to become a public charge;
During this process, the beneficiary must submit certain documents to the National Visa Center. When the application is complete and all required fees are paid and documents submitted, NVC will schedule an interview and inform the beneficiary and his or her attorney.
The beneficiary has to attend the interview and if a visa is granted travel to the US before the visa expires.
Get the answers you need regarding consular processing. Reach out to us today.
Eligibility Requirements for Other Beneficiaries
Petition Process
The petitioner files a petition and proves:
The petitioner must prove the claimed relationship such as parent/child or brother/sister by documentary evidence.
Visa Process
The beneficiary applies for an immigrant visa and proves that:
The beneficiary is not inadmissible including medical grounds of inadmissibility. There are many grounds of inadmissibility. If inadmissible, is entitled to a waiver of the ground of inadmissibility.
The beneficiary is not likely to become a public charge;
During this process the beneficiary must submit certain documents to the National Visa Center. When the application is complete and all required fees are paid and documents submitted, NVC will schedule and interview and inform the beneficiary and his or her attorney.
The beneficiary has to attend the interview and if a visa is granted travel to the US before the visa expires.
Call 561-847-4798 to set up a consultation for us to evaluate your immigration case. Our experienced immigration attorney will examine your situation, the applicable immigration laws, how he can help you, and the likelihood of success.
Virtual Appointments Available
We’d be happy to meet with you virtually via Zoom or phone. In some cases (usually Criminal Defense and DUI matters) you might not need to visit the office at all. Immigration and Expungement matters will likely require eventual visits to complete certain paperwork. If you choose a virtual consultation and decide to retain our firm, we can send your contract via email.
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